Saturday, February 16, 2008


All Contractors are very aware of the inital distrust that Homeowner's have while interviewing different companies. A Reputable Contractor will welcome the opportunity to address your concerns and provide you any information you need to feel comfortable hiring that company. There are even Hiring Tools available that are designed to assist you in that screening process to greatly reduce the risk. Any contractor that is not willing to provide the information that you ask of them; i.e. customer references, insurance verification, or licensing credentials; should not even be considered! Disreputable contractors already know they can't be trusted and will not pass The Test".

However, don't be surprised if the contractor you are currently screening begins to ask you a question or two. Reputable contractors are also very aware that working with a homeowner that just can't be pleased, may not be worth working for. Contractors that rely on their reputation to build their business will screen their prospective clients to ensure a mutually positive experience.

ADVICE: Screen your contractor and offer to address any questions he may have. Make the contractor feel good about you and he will go above and beyond to make sure you are a happy customer!

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